Christmas 2020 Atherstone
The Christmas Lights switch on 2020 were just a little different this year !! Traditionally the lights are switched on during the ‘Dickens Event’ being the last Saturday in November, but owing to the Covid-19 Pandemic and in line with government guidelines the event could not take place this year. But thanks to all the […]
Remembrance Sunday 2020
Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic and in light of the risks posed, the Annual Atherstone Remembrance Parade could not take place this year. This was deeply disappointing for all who proudly take part year after year and it is not a step that has been taken lightly but in line with Government guidelines based on expert […]
Mayor and High Sheriff meet Hockey Heroes
CIVIC CONGRATULATIONS FOR ATHERSTONE HOCKEY CHAMPIONS Local sporting heroes Atherstone Adders Men’s First XI were honoured with a Civic visit for their fantastic achievement of winning the England Hockey Tier 3 Cup Final 2020. The Mayor of Atherstone Cllr Denise Clews (whilst observing social distancing and Covid protocols) met representatives of the team, in advance […]
Play Areas Re-open
St Marys Road and Westwood Road Play Areas in Atherstone have now re-opened with clear signage on both play areas to remind people to social distance. What we need from you please: ↔️ Please maintain social distancing from other people not from your household ✋ Avoid entering a play area if there are already a number […]
May 2020 Newsletter
Atherstone Support Team in partnership with local Pharmacy to deliver prescriptions
Atherstone Cemetery
Atherstone Cemetery is open to members of the public but social distancing must be observed at all times. This is an amendment (announced by the government on 18th April 2020) to the Government Regulation Statutory Instruments 2020 No. 350 Public Health England The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 Requirement to close premises and businesses during the […]
Volunteers Needed
Atherstone Community Support Team are urgently looking for volunteers to offer support…CAN YOU HELP?
Allotment Winners
ATHERSTONE TOWN COUNCIL ALLOTMENT AWARDS 2019 Atherstone Town Council Allotment Awards were presented at the Town Council on Wednesday 16th October 2019. The Town Council manages two allotment sites in the Atherstone, one on Gypsy Lane and one on Bracebridge Road. Over 150 tenants are eligible to enter the annual allotment awards and once again […]
New Ashes Scattering Area
NEW ASHES SCATTERING AREA OPENS AT ATHERSTONE CEMETERY Atherstone Town Council has opened a new Ashes Scattering Area within the Cemetery on Sheepy Road in Atherstone. The Mayor of Atherstone, Cllr David Wright officially opened the area in a service led by Rev Michael Brandsma. The Event was attended by The Mayor of North Warwickshire […]