Ruby Chamber Young Person’s Sports Award 2024
The Ruby Chambers Young Sports Person Award 2024
Atherstone Town Council invites nominations for an annual award dedicated to former councillor the late Ruby Chambers and given to an U18 in the Atherstone community who has realised a sporting achievement.
The late Cllr Chambers was Town Mayor in 2006-7 and dedicated much of her life to furthering the opportunities for young and disadvantaged members of the community. She had a natural affinity with young people and was always the champion of the underdog. Cllr Jarvis once described Ruby as “fiercely independent, a real fighter for a good cause… generous, kind and convinced that everyone has the potential to be more than they think can be.”
If you know a young person who embodies this spirit of determination, persistence and sporting achievement, then please write to the council to Town Council at:
, or post your nomination letters to PO Box 2000, Atherstone, CV9 1YN.
The deadline for nominations is 12TH March 2025